This score was posted 2 weeks, 1 hour, 6 minutes and 38 seconds ago.
This game lasted 2 minutes and 49 seconds.
seddy managed a total score of 67
Pit and Field
The field expanded 0 squares forward due to powerups.
The pit was expanding at a rate of 3.8 seconds, so that it reached a maximum y position of 68 and consumed all of the field.
Item spawning
In total, 123 items spawned.
109 of these were regular single point items.
9 of these were special bonus point items.
5 of these were powerups.
seddy earned a total of 67 points. Here is how they achieved that score.
42 points were earned by collecting ordinary items and powerups. This makes up 62.69% of their total score.
18 points were earned as a result of 4 special bonus items being collected. This is 26.87% of their total score.
Finally, due to their speed in collecting items, they earned an additional 6 points. This is 8.96% of their total score.
seddy took 1189 steps in total during this game, and jumped 58 times.
They spent 0 seconds with super speed.
Cannons and platforms
5 platforms spawned. 5, or 100.0% of these were consumed by the pit.
8 cannons spawned, and 8 or 100.0% of these broke due to Gods Attention or some other unfortunate and cacophonous calamity.
The cannons shot 16 balls at seddy. They jumped over 11 or 68.75% of them, while an additional 5 or 31.25% of the balls fired missed completely due to our faulty aiming system. The other 0 or 0% were direct hits.
Rock throwers
Also, a total of 5 rock throwers spawned, and 0 or 0% of these broke because... I think they were just too stupid to get out of the way of the pit. Or maybe, God hated them!
The throwers shot 17 rocks at seddy, hitting with 1 of them which is about 5.88% of the time. The other 16 or 94.12% of the rocks missed them because I think that these damn throwers are blind or something. Like can't you guys aim?
In the end, it was a pit that killed seddyThink you can do better?
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